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PCI Webinar: Bystander Intervention

PCI Webinar with Emma Zevallos

Bystander Intervention


The “Bystander Effect” refers to the phenomenon of people being less likely to involve themselves in situations when others are present. This presentation gives people the tools to safely and effectively step in to defuse potentially harmful situations. Bystander intervention is about preventing and de-escalating potentially violent incidents. It is the willingness to take action and help someone in time of need.

Domestic and Sexual Violence is preventable. You can help prevent it by being an Active Bystander!

From the information in this program, attendees will:

  • Raise awareness of helping behaviors
  • Increase motivation to help
  • Develop skills and confidence when responding to problems or concerns
  • Ensure the safety and well-being of self and others
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Time (MST):
11:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Arizona Time (change)
Registration has closed.

Emma Zevallos – Biography

Emma Zevallos is the Director of Prevention and Education at Peace House she joined Peace House over a year ago, with over 7 years of experience working in assisting survivors of domestic abuse and sexual assault. Peace House is a non- profit dedicated to ending family violence and abuse through education, outreach, support services, and safe housing.

Emma demonstrated profound leadership while working at a Salt Lake City based rape crisis center and later as the Associate Director at the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Her vision is to center and uplift the voices of all communities and bring a deep commitment toward social equity and collective liberation. She is dedicated to educating youth about their rights and envisions a world free of violence. In her spare time, Emma enjoys hiking, travelling, and taking care of her plants