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Leap into Science - Light & Shadows - Virtual 3 week cohort 1

Leap into Science - Light & Shadows - Virtual 3 week cohort 1

The Arizona State Library and the Arizona Science Center are collaborating to host Leap into Science Informal Educator trainings.

To register to participate and to receive a Leap into Science: Light & Shadows kit please go to: https://forms.gle/DZnjAWRtjxPQrtdr6

Leap into Science is a nationwide program that integrates open-ended science activities with children’s books, designed for children ages 3-10 and their families. We empower educators to offer programs in community settings like libraries, museums, and out-of-school time programs to engage underserved audiences in accessible and familiar settings. 

This training will be provided as a 3-week learning cohort.  Attendance at all sessions is required.

  • Thursday, January 14, 21, and 28
  • Noon or 5:00 pm 3-week cohorts available

Desired outcomes:

  • For informal educators to build knowledge, skills, and confidence in leading engaging science and literacy learning experiences for children and families and..
  • Informal educators will be better prepared to provide opportunities for children to think like a scientist by making observations and predictions, testing ideas, and solving problems!

The Light & Shadows workshops invite children and families to explore how light interacts with objects and surfaces.

  • Preschool workshop - Children investigate the basic concepts that a shadow happens when an object blocks light from shining on a surface, and that making changes to the object or the light source will change the shadow. Children look for shadows in their environment and then explore making and changing shadows using individual flashlights and several different types of objects.
  • Elementary workshop - Expands on these ideas to explore the spatial relationship between light, object and shadow in more depth and investigate which aspects of a three-dimensional object are—or are not—represented by its shadow. Children are challenged to match a series of shadow shapes by creating a structure from blocks that will produce the same shadow. Then they explore creating shadow shapes of their own for others to match.
  • Family workshop - Includes stations based on the elementary and preschool activities, but also introduces additional ideas about light’s interaction with objects with stations exploring reflection, color mixing, and transparence vs. translucence.

All informal early literacy educators are welcome to attend these trainings at no cost. For those interested in education beyond the one-day training, Leap into Science also offers an opportunity for participants to receive more extensive materials, ongoing support and the opportunity to become part of a national network of Educators. If you are a new educator (have not already received a Wind or Balance kit) you are eligible to apply to receive a Leap into Science: Light & Shadows kit.

To apply to receive a kit you will need to agree to do the following:

  • Attend the Leap into Science: Light & Shadow training
  • Host three workshops for children & families using the Leap into Science kit and curriculum by end of next Sept 2021.
  • Host an event using Leap curriculum and kit during National Leap Week.
  • Complete brief online reflections after each workshop you host.
  • Participate in quarterly community calls lead by your Leap into Science state leaders.
  • Complete end-of-year survey about your experience with Leap into Science.

If you we do not have enough kits to meet the demand, a list of items will be provided during the training.

For more information contact Donna Throckmorton dthrockmorton@azlibrary.gov.

To register and to request a kit go to: https://forms.gle/DZnjAWRtjxPQrtdr6

Thursday, January 14, 2021
Time (MST):
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Time Zone:
Arizona Time (change)