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Evaluating Virtual Programs and Events

Infopeople Webinar: Register Here

Libraries have quickly pivoted in the last several months to moving their programs and events to a virtual environment. The early months were about figuring out "the how" and getting new routines in place. Now it is time to find meaningful ways to evaluate and assess the success of what we are offering.

How does program success in a virtual world differ from in person programs and events? What data should we collect? How do we get feedback?

These questions and more will be explored in this webinar.

Additionally, Meg DePriest, from the California State Library, will share briefly about the Public Library Survey and what data elements are there for Virtual Programming.

This webinar will be of interest to: Library staff who want to be able to collect data from virtual events. Some of the content may be specific to California libraries.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Time (MST):
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Arizona Time (change)