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Pages Against Prejudice

Racism is still an issue in our country; and, COVID-19 related discrimination reconfirms that any race can be the target. Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You, has created an anti-racist reading list for adults. However, a similar list does not seem to be readily available for young people. Building this type of list, and enhancing our collections, could help our young people to learn and think about prejudice. But, should we stop at racism?

Young people face discrimination in many forms: race, religion, orientation, and more. Could we, instead, focus on building anti-discrimination collections to support our youth?

In this informative and interactive program, you will get tips on how to evaluate your existing collection: identify additional titles, organize displays, and design programming to highlight anti-discrimination in your library.

Jeanne Holba Puacz- Biography

Jeanne Holba Puacz has been a reference librarian since 1992, and has experience in academic, school, corporate and public libraries. She has been teaching reference since 2000 and has taught at Indiana University, Dominican University and University of Illinois. She has been teaching in the University of Illinois' iSchool LEEP program since 2004.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Time (MST):
11:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Arizona Time (change)
Registration has closed.